St.Fillan’s Well and Monks Well

(grabbing WiFi when I can)
You know you are a dedicated well hunter (okay...a bumbling one) when, after a long day without any way of checking, you finally find somewhere to settle and your niggling doubts are’ve got the wrong well. No settling down to Irish aperos for me, I got on my bike and cycled several miles back down to St.Andrews to find the Well I’d been looking for. I felt very studenty whizzing through the ancient university streets on my bike with graduation celebrations going on all around.

The cathedral ruins had loads of wells (extra). I can’t for the life of me work out why they aren’t listed as holy.
Links below.

The day started with feeling a bit wrecked after yesterday. I headed for Pittenweem to find St.Fillan’s well first (not straight forward... a curious cave stuck down a tucked out of the way alley). I went on to Anstruther to look at the possibility of a trip to the Isle of May. It was all a bit bustling and touristy so I pressed on via Crail to St.Andrews.

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