horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

A lack of spoons

Last week I kept forgetting I'd taken today off work. Ostensibly it was to recover from the exertions on Saturday, but was also partly to have the day with Mel, as the original plan had been to stay over the Saturday night, so taking over most of the weekend.

Of course, as is often the case when I take a day off, the weather just wasn't going to play ball. Still, there was a nice brunch, following by a quieter-than-usual wander at Tyninghame. I really like this place, but it's usually just swamped with dog walkers, and just doesn't feel as pleasant as it should do, so there was a silver lining to the clouds (if you could see the edges in the expanse of grey).

Hope was to see any of the five Spoonbills reported in the inner bay. Seems we were looking in the wrong place, as they were reported as still being around, but we got no sighting of any sort. The three Little Egrets almost (but not quite) made up for the lack of spoons.

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