horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Little by little

Ooh the legs are tired today. Back down to Edinburgh from Kenmore for lunchtime. It was a really enjoyable trip, with some great folk, but there comes a time you want a beer in the sun in your own garden.

We’ve had the new chooks venture out to free range now. Only briefly, but their personalities are starting to come through, as is their youthful inquisitiveness about, and jumpiness about, everything.

Not yet taking corn from the hand, but certainly discovering how nice it is (corn is the one ever present that every chicken we’ve had has loved); but confident enough to come and check me out once back in the run.

Next week should have an actual meeting with the old girls, not separated by wire. And all being well hope to have them sharing the main permanent run the week after.

That’s the plan at least...

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