We were up at the crack of dawn as Mr W was off on a weeks Motorbiking adventure to the Alps with the lads. Something he's been a bit nervous about and going on about for weeks!!! I will miss him but I'm glad its finally arrived - you would not believe the time it took him to pack and the daft questions he asked!!!

Well Bella seemed to have a good nights sleep despite her op and the slight rumble of thunder and seemed happy to just potter about the garden.

I took the day off to be with her and Daughter Number 1 wasn't working until the late afternoon. We thought we would make a start on a bit of furniture renovation. I have managed to keep her bed she had as a child which to try and cut a very long storey short, it was a gift from my mother when she was a baby. I also slept in that bed at my mothers the night before I got Married - only just remembered that bit!) I then fell out with my mother and she asked for the bed back. I refused to give it back saying it was Emily's (she took back various other items!) and Emily used it intil her teens when she then had a double bed. I have managed to keep hold of the bed which was one of hte very few items I got back from the big house after my divorce and its been stored in the garage for some time. Mr W has been on at me to get rid of the bed but I stuck to my guns and kept it. 

Finally today, its been de-waxed, sanded and had its first coat of Chalk Paint on it ready for Emily's new house!!!! She did really well working on it all day despite her manual labour phobia (she prefers to use her brain!) and its had its first coat and its looking great.

I had numerous messages from Mr W to say he had arrived at where ever he was supposed to be - catching a night train to Innsbruck and was tucking into the first of many beers!! See extras!

Then it was a quiet evening for me and Miss Bella watching Love Island and making a Skiing Video - as you do!!

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