made a deep impression upon us all! I took pictures before the red fire in the sky started. Mischa took her photos when I walked in the valley, considering for a moment to call her. Luckily enough she had seen the sky as well and Piet Hein's pictures we will see later.
The day had started rather grey but in the afternoon we had a lovely warm sunshine. Mischa and I made a bench for the 'Abendsitz' as they call it in german. A spot to enjoy in the evening, a quiet place for reflection or a nice chat. Just beneath the little cabin. Two trunks of the many that still lay around after the fir was sawed and a plank to sit upon. Tomorrow some nails in it to prevent that the plank will be moved by the raccoons or a possible storm.

My haiku:

Then we will sit quiet
And listen to the birds and
To our innner voices

And the proverb:

All things have their place, knew we how to place them.

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