The stylish stance for exchanging tokens

A nice easy time on the railway. A trainee did everything, all I had to do was watch. He has a passing out turn next month so should be able to work the box with only minimum supervision.

He should be fine as long as he learns all the detailed information required for the passing out turn such as where all the user worked crossings are. It’s like the Driving Test theory, you need to know it for the driving test itself.

It was a bit of a rush back at the end of the shift as I needed to gave dinner and get to Sittingbourne for the Marmite Ukulele Jam session. I took my green travel uke on holiday but hardly played it so tonight was the first serious strum for a few weeks. The ends of my fingers knew it and it took a while for those fingers to find the chords and move smartly between the chords!

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