
By strawhouse

Merry Christmas

Sadly it wasn't the merriest of Christmases.
It started off well enough with the excitement of opening their pillowcases and the exceedingly long bath using most of the new bath bombs and toiletries.
Then it was pretty much downhill. 
My mum, dad and brother came over for lunch and I was just in the midst of cooking it - the bit at the end when everything needs to be done at the same time. Miss E chose that time to be a bit overly demanding of attention and we had to have words. Then it went properly downhill.
She wouldn't eat anything and ended up upstairs, no-one really felt very festive because it was all so fraught and stressful, Miss L was devastated and wanted to make everything OK but she couldn't. Heartbreaking.
I went to get Miss E and she was distraught thinking she'd ruined everything and no-one wanted her around. I eventually calmed her down and assured her that wasn't true and we just needed to draw a line under it and enjoy Christmas together. She did come back down and sit with us but it was a bit bluuughhhhhhh.
No-one really ate much lunch. The table at the end looked pretty much like it did at the beginning. That's a lot of leftovers!! We didn't even have Christmas pudding as no-one was at all hungry. 
We are a family of greedy over-eaters so it was a very unusual experience!!!
We opened the presents under the tree and all cheered up a bit.
My mum, dad and Mr D left pretty early and by 9.30pm I was in bed alone, crying my eyes out about the waste of money and effort, the sadness at having such a crappy Christmas, heartbreak at one of their precious childhood Christmases being so rubbish.
I hate writing such a miserable Blip but it's how it was. A Christmas day to forget.

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