Christmas Morning

I love the Christmas morning photos. The chaos and excitement of the Little Misses opening their pillowcases from Santa.
They weren't as considerate as last year and could wait no later than 6.30am to come up and get the day started. It wouldn't have been too bad except that I hadn't got to sleep until about 1am and then Miss E came up at 4am with an earache. She happily went back to bed after a dose of Calpol but I couldn't get back to sleep. I felt pretty ropey at 6.30am!!!!
But never mind! A cup of tea in my Christmas mug, Christmas lights twinkling and a whirlwind of present opening and squealing and all was well!!
Then they moved on to presents under the tree. Ordinarily forbidden until after lunch but as we were going out to my mum and dad's later I deviated from tradition and we opened some of them.
Breakfast was pancakes (Miss E's choice) and bacon and eggs (Miss L's choice) Some members of my family (everyone but me) had it all mixed together on the same plate. Yuck!!!! Just chuck over a load of maple syrup and you may as well be American!!
After breakfast Mr K and I opened the terramundi we've been filling for the last year. I say we, it's mostly been Mr K! 
I was thrilled to count out all the notes and discover it's only £200 short of the amount we need to pay the balance of our cruise next week.
I was even more thrilled to find a note inside it from Mr K - beautifully wrapped in wrapping paper - that he'd been saving for the balance separately and the contents of the pot were for me. He knows the way to my heart!!!
I also got a lovely new Christmas jigsaw from Mr K (supposedly from the Little Misses but it was clearly the first they'd heard of it, ha ha ha!!!) along with a proper mat/case thing to do it on and store it in rather than having it all over the coffee table all over Christmas. It's Dartmouth in the snow and I love it!! I've already made pretty good progress!
The day got a bit fraught when Miss L's Hatchimal hatched as it should - after a bit of cuddling and rubbing - and then proceeded to learn to walk and talk. All accompanied by whoops and squeals from Miss L. 
Miss E's Hatchimal didn't hatch and was clearly broken (as you would expect from a toy costing almost £50. Grrrrrrrrrrr). Miss E was devastated but rather than agree to us sending it back and getting a new one she preferred to channel her disappointment into anger, jealously, irrationality and general Christmas ruining rage. Sigh.
We donned our Christmas jumpers and headed over to my mum and dad's at about 1pm. We had a lovely afternoon eating, drinking, opening presents, playing Pass the Parcel and Mastermind, and eating some more. Perfect!!
Mr K smashed Miss E's stupid bloody irritating Hatchimal out of its stupid bloody irritating shell and Miss E was a lot more cheerful. She made up for lost time getting it to make as much noise and be as irritating as possible. I continued to wish we'd never bought the bloody thing!!!! 
Archie spent most of the day trying to have his way with a very old Maisie who - despite seeming to be in season - was having none of it. It's no way for an old lady to spend Christmas!!!
We came home and once the Little Misses were in bed Mr K and I watched EastEnders (because Mr K loves nothing more than a double episode of EastEnders!!!) followed by the first couple of episodes of Alpha House on Netflix.
We may have eaten a few more mince pies and brandy cream. And maybe some baguettes and cheese.
Then we may have been winched to bed regretting our over indulgence!

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