Birthplace of the revolution - Manchester...

I managed to get a brief walk very early this morning and was impressed by the new city center in Manchester - an eclectic mix of old and modern buildings.

This particularly took my fancy - a Ukrainian mid 1970s statue of Engels which stands surrounded by bars, clubs and coffee shops.

Engels lived in Manchester between 1842 and 1844 and it was his observations and research that led to his first, and classic, book “ The Condition of the Working Class in England” . Marx was greatly influenced by it and it helped to persuade him that the final revolution would and should be a product of working class action.

There is wit and judgement in placing this so well and prominently - a faithful homage to history but also a reflection on what has come to pass, which is not the triumph of communism.

After my walk I plunged into a range of meetings including a Joint Ministerial Committee and the British Irish Council Plenary.

Now I am on the train on the way back to Edinburgh, and the sun is still shining. Moreover, despite it starting yesterday, only now do I feel that the recess might be underway !

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