... new under the sun

A week ago J-L phoned me to say he couldn't be with me today as he had to go to a family funeral. I considered joining him - I know three generations of his family - but decided instead to send my condolences rather than encumber anyone. I went in the car to the station then E took me on to Autun to see the Roman amphitheatre; the cathedral full of scaffolding, plastic sheets and Senegalese workmen; and a fabulous museum with a hugely impressive 3D film explanation of the carvings of the Last Judgment from the cathedral's west door. 

Ignoramus that I am, I did not know that the carving of the Temptation of Eve is world-famous until after I'd fallen in love with her nonchalant - 'What, me?' - plucking of the fruit. She was framed, you know, she really was.

The heatwave has taken hold today, so E and I went back home to look after ourselves and the garden. What a way to put your foot up!

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