Capital adventures

By marchmont

Spider lilies

I bought these bulbs in Sainsbury's and they've come up really quickly, remind me of Mont Kiara.

Swam, slightly later than normal, and in a very quiet pool. Then to shop and of course got home and tend the things I'd forgotten.

It was hot and humid today, bit not really sunny. 2 more apologies for tomorrow. I wonder if anyone will come but I have raised £35 so far.

Did general tidying up and laundry and fed some plants. Then it got very dark and the predicted rains came, thunder but no lightning.

I've baked a rhubarb cake and my version of pineapple tarts!

Watched the rest of 'Killing Eve'. Not sure it was as good as series 1. I'm trying to summon up enthusiasm for the Fringe. It's not arriving.

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