Juvenile Exposure

By SimonFraser

Into the West...

Today has been fairly busy, another fours hours of revision before heading off into Southampton to attempt to hit some if the sales.....bad move! It took about 20 minutes just to get into Southampton and then another 20 to get a parking spot.
With much regret, I wanted to go into Ikea and find a photo frame for this A3 photograph at home. Probably one of the worst moves for quite a long time. It was literally a zoo in there and because its a one way system, you couldn't overtake all the dawdlers just moping around the aisle. Anyway, we found a nice black frame and headed straight to the checkout, which was an ordeal in itself.
Off to West Quay to try and get mums phone fixed which resulted her in getting an iPhone!!!! Very jealous.
While she was in Vodafone I had a browse round some of the shops, which was most certainly just a sluggish browse.
Off for a quick pizza before seeing another film! Tonight we went to watch The Life of Pi, which was incredible! The storyline was amazing and the special effects were superb.
Today's Blip is from outside Ikea entrance where the sun was just about to leave us.
Overall a great day! :-)

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