The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

No Fear Here

I had a card full of artsy and nature images but this image of Gabriella and THE FISH wins the day.

I spent 10 hours with my friend Claude on the lake, fishing fast and furiously but, prior to midday, it was much to do about nothing. Then things suddenly changed for the better.

Shortly after lunch, Bonnie and the girls joined us and, magically, the fish started hitting our bait with might. Both Isabella and Gabriella got in on the action. It just proves that nothing good ever happens unless women are involved.

As strange as this may sound to most, today for me was a divine day. When you have a day with your family on a frozen lake, catching fish for your evening dinner in a most simple setting whilst the dogs romp about, you feel at one with yourself and with nature. No distractions, no competing concerns, no electronics, no noise from other worlds. It was everything my other life is not. It was just me and my family, frozen water, clean crisp air, curious eagles and hawks and a few great fish for dinner.

I realize that bliss comes in many forms, but happiness does not get any simpler than this.

Tomorrow I hope to be back on the grid for a bit and to thaw my toes and fingers in front of a fire.

A few more images of the day from my family:

Boy Bravo

Bonnie and the girls

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