Ebony Jewelwing on Jewelweed

Once in a while, a very friendly bug comes along who will actually spend a little time with you. That was the case on this afternoon. I wandered into the backyard and there he was: an ebony jewelwing damselfly flitting about and finally sitting down on jewelweed.

I ran inside and grabbed my camera, and when I came back out, he was still there, resembling an expensive, ultra-slim cigarette just looking to light upon the hand of some gorgeous, well-dressed and well-tressed, take-no-prisoners, drag-your-soul-down-a-dark-pathway DAME.

I myself was apparently NOT that dame, because he never came close enough for me to touch him. (By the way, you can tell it is a male because it lacks the silvery-white spots at the edges of its wings that the females have.)

But he did pose and pose for me, that elegant fellow, and you can see my favorite shot above. It was the only one in which he had his wings actually fluttering at the time that I nabbed the shot. So let's consider this an ACTION shot. Note also his shadow self on the green leaf beneath him.

Two jewels in one title qualifies me to use a Jewel song, methinks, so here is one of my favorites from her: Jewel, with Who Will Save Your Soul.

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