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Our port of call today. We visited Udo Jingu shrine which is located in a grotto made by wave action. This shrine is dedicated to Yamasachihiko, the father of Emperor Jimmu, the mythical first emperor of Japan. 
Fitness and comfortable shoes are required for this visit as there are many steps, also it is so warm!!   There are quirky little statues tucked into wooded areas, so the opportunity to stop and see what is hiding is welcome.

Then on to Obi, an old castle town which was the home to the Ito clan. The samurai houses have been preserved and the museum displays exhibits of armour and swords. Impression is that the men were small in stature and strong enough to wield the big swords.
Departure from the dock was accompanied by music and singing by elderly ladies.
The evening show, the first that we have attended on this trip, was “The Secret Silk”. A contemporary spin on an ancient tale with live puppetry by Jim Henson’s creature shop, and featuring the ships singers and dancers. Fascinating and enthralling. 

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