The Transitory Nature Of Being Tired

It's amazing how much our day can be colored by a lack of sleep. After multiple studio sessions yesterday and last night, my energy was sapped as I approached the day. Unfortunately, what accompanies the lethargy is a rash of self-doubt, and a feeling of failure. Darkness must relish these days and the weaknesses that are exposed. Once again, recognizing the situation, and understanding its origin, provides a road to recovery. The value in separating ourselves from the flesh is so powerful. So many of our problems could be resolved quickly and easily if we would just turn to His word first, instead of our own inadequate ways. I’m reaching down a little deeper this morning, knowing that a nap on the horizon will remove any cloud that might be hovering over me at the moment. That twenty minutes is a time of rest, a meditative time of prayer, a moment in His presence. Tiredness is temporary, its transient in nature, and we, being promised eternal happiness should never loiter in such a place.

Pray on,

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