Betsy's Travels

As I wasn't in work until 1pm today, I got up early and went for a swim in the outdoor pool while it was still relatively quiet.  Despite the shoulder pain, I managed 50 lengths, and as the day's gone on, it feels a little better, so fingers crossed!

I was home by about 9.30am and had a couple of hours to get ready as I wanted to cycle to work and I wanted to allow at least an hour for my ride as it's a bit further than my previous place of work., and I also wanted enough time to freshen up once I got there. It was 8.5 miles each way, so I cycled 17 miles in total!

Work was frustrating as Maria had to go to London so I was actually in the clinic on my own.  Fortunately there weren't any patients due in until 5pm, so it was very quiet and I spent the time going through my notes from yesterday and trying to put them into practice, but it was tricky - just hope it all makes sense on Monday!

My cycle ride home took a bit longer as I wanted to get a photo of Betsy in front of the beach huts, and also there was quite a strong head wind, so I only got home at 6.30pm.   Xena came in shortly afterwards and said she'd been the the cinema with some of the other students this afternoon, and then they all sat in the Royal Pavilion gardens listening to the buskers, so she’d had a good day :-)

After dinner, we took some baby stuff (travel cot, Hugh chair etc) that we’d had here for Scarlett & Violet, to Annabel, who is expecting a little boy in September. It’s of no use to us anymore and has been hardly used, so I’d rather give it to her than it sit collecting dust in the lift. Then we went to the marina to show Xena where she can book a boat excursion with Joren (her boyfriend) when he's here next week, and showed her where the bowling alley and cinema are, in case they want to go.

It was sunset while we were there and the light was gorgeous , and even though the starlings don’t do the murmuration over the summer, they were all roosting and the noise they were making made me smile :-)

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