
By Ursonate17

Passport to Puglia #9

Being poolboy is generally the best job.
Meditative, purposeful and
(see P to P #4) occasionally heroic.
However sometimes you have to undertake the role of undertaker, caring for those who overnight came to their end in the deep blue.
Moths, spiders, cicadas and their like are scooped up in the net and get recycled by those creatures who share their world, but what happens when you find that it’s a lizard that succumbed?
And what happens when it’s that yogic lizard you watched for hours at breakfast, and gave a name to?
And what happens when you find another friend in the same state the next morning
...it’s tough.
So you scoop and remove from the net gently, scrutinising, amazed that their skin is so complexly tailored and yet soft to your touch. Beautiful.
You arrange their bodies in sealable containers so that the dreaded ants don’t get them
..and then what?

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