Trawiad gwres

Trawiad gwres ~ Heat stroke

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Roedd diwrnod heulog iawn, ond roedd awel, felly doeddwn ni ddim yn gwybod pa mor boeth oedd yr haul. Cerddon ni i Ystafelloedd Te Bramleys yn St.Florence.  Eto, roedd yr haul yn boeth, felly roedden ni'n hapus i ffeindio cysgod. Ar ôl ein pryd, dechreuodd Nor'dzin deimlo'n wan gyda trawiad gwres. Roeddwn i'n rhoi dŵr oer ar ei thalcen, ac un codi ei choesau. Roedd hi'n dod yn well, ond rhy wan i gerdded adre, felly gwnes i alw tacsi i fynd i'r maes gwersylla. Gwellodd Nor'dzin yn y noswaith, ond roeddwn i'n poeni am dipyn.

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There was a very sunny day, but there was a breeze, so we didn't know how hot the sun was. We walked to Bramleys Tea Rooms in St.Florence. Again, the sun was hot, so we were happy to find a shadow. After our meal, Nor'dzin began to feel weak with heat stroke. I was putting cold water on her forehead, and lifting her legs. She was getting better, but too weak to walk home, so I called a taxi to go to the campsite. Nor'dzin improved in the evening, but I was worried for a while.

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