Cutting a long story short I didn't have the op today as the anaesthetist was concerned I had heart issues. (I was stressed wouldn't you be!) I was ambulanced to A and E in Wigan where they did another ECG, chest x ray and blood tests. The upshot is  I'm fine! The final doctor told me to see my GP if I was concerned all I'm concerned about is am I  fit for the op and he said yes. I got home 5.30pm and had a lovely cup of tea and a marmite sandwich, I hadn't eaten since last night! I will ring the consultants pa on Monday give her my story and hope they give me a slot soon. I've decided to visit Chris rather than sit around thinking about what should have been!

Many thanks everyone for all your good wishes, comments and stars. I am absolutely fine now, just tired. I've hit the red wine and chocolates a nice  consolation. 

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