Waterlily Festival (2)

Chrissy and I met Kate at Sheffield Park for the water lily festival - I'd popped in last week briefly and was more than happy to go back, it's just so beautiful!  And it was really quiet today, so very relaxing.

We'd decided to take a picnic with us, so after having a stroll and taking lots of photos, we set our picnic blankets up at the side of the lake and were very quickly joined by some very cheeky ducks!  As I was taking a photo of Kate feeding a duck, another one came and pinched my avocado off my salad!  It was so quick!  It was a lovely day relaxing in the sunshine with great friends - I've added an extra of the duck invasion :-)

I got home just as Alan was finishing work, so after preparing a curry, we opened a bottle of fizz and went and sat in the Palace and waiting for Xena to get home - she'd been on a school trip to Lewes Castle.

When she arrived she filled us in on her day and we asked if any of her friends had gone with her, and she said no because they were all going to a party tonight and wanted to go home to sleep.  I asked why she wasn't going to the party and she said she didn't think she was allowed to as it doesn't start until midnight.  We said of course she's allowed - she is 21 and therefore an adult, we just said that as long as we know where she's going and she's quiet when she gets home it's fine with us.  

So there was a quick turn around, she called her friends and made her arrangements, had a shower and got ready and she went out at 10.30pm - she was so excited!   She promised to send regular texts to let us know she was ok - she's such a lovely, respectful girl and I hope she enjoys her night!

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