An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Christmas Cup Cakes...

Backblipped 30.12.12

They were one of many gifts from Ele and are so cute. We were supposed to be keeping them for Hogmanay but David and I sneaked one each with a cuppa mid afternoon. For quality conrol purposes of course. I can onfirm they are yummy.

Poor Alan is still not great. Appetite really poor, nose all read and sore and a horrible cough. And still he manages the occassional smile. He's a wee star. Have had to stop giving him the antibiotic as it was really upsetting his stomach. He'd been prescribed the adult dose despite not being adult sized but it's proved too much for him. Back to the docs on Monday for further advice. At least he's drinking plenty.

Another lazy day with just the three of us. Over the last couple of weeks I've read 3 Jojo Moyes books and adored each of them. I have now moved onto one of my Christmas pressie books....McFly's autobiography. I'm a fan. Did you know that about me? D and I both are. Luckily so is Alan so we can pretend it's really him who buys the cds and wants to go to the concerts. Sadly we could't get tickets for the ones coming up in 2013. Sorry Alan....Santa just couldn't deliver. :-(

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