Hummingbird banding

It was such a great experience to help with the banding of the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds yesterday that I wanted to share some more photos with you.

Top row, left to right
1. The band used is sized specifically for Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. Other hummingbirds require different sized band. It’s incredibly tiny!
2. A Ruby-throated Hummingbird about to be banded.

Bottom row, left to right
1. The band is being attached.
2. Band is attached.

32 hummingbirds were banded and information was recorded regarding their sex, age, bill size,, weight, length of tail and wing. The abdomen was examined for percent of fat and to see if any females were gravid (carrying eggs). Two were!

A fascinating experience!

The 3 Amigos may have discovered where the Hobbits live! evolybab took them on a beautiful walk through the countryside. The boys will never want to leave!

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