Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

How not to do a 365

Ok. After very delicate negotiations the truth can now be revealed about yesterday's 365.
I stayed on the camera bag and watched it all unfold and since I am the chief story teller I have ruled that the story shall be told.
Time. 5.00pm
After the stagger up the hill to the center of New Zealand and finding it full of tourists we strolled back down to return to our motel and The Bossess spotted a wonderful old red post box on the other side of the road which The Boss thought would make a great blip for the day.
Important supplementary info. The Boss had worked out somehow that his 365 was going to occur on the 31st Dec 'Cos he started on the 1st Jan (plus leap year adjustments) but in fact if you counted the first day as well it was 30th Dec.
Opps as they say in the industry.
Time 8.00 pm.
Back at the motel The Boss had previously restarted the laptop having discovered that the fault seemed to be voltage related and was avoided by running the battery half flat. Joy was heard around the land. So he took The Bossess's choice, ran it through Lightroom, wrote a good story, uploaded and was duly pleased.
Time 8.30 pm.
The boss went to catch up on some subs and found to his shock that there was this wonderful red balloon on his link. The room went very quiet. Some unrepeatable words were uttered. Panic set in and the only option was to make the 365 shot that had been scheduled for the next day then and there.
Time 8.37 pm
The Boss found that the already uploaded entry could be deleted. He had never done this before so this was all wonderfully new. He deleted it. (Sorry raine who was very quick off the mark and had already commented)
The set was assembled. The A3 print of T was attached to the wall with blue tac. The candles and TT were placed on the polished table and the camera set on the tripod and pre set then.....
Time 8.50 pm
The Boss got his box of matches brought especially from Wanaka for the candles, also brought especially from Wanaka and The Bossess casually remarked (as The Bossess can of course, "Isn't that a smoke detector on the ceiling". The temperature dropped 10 degrees and the silence was deafening.
Time 9.00 pm
The Bossess was stationed down the hall with her finger adjacent to the smoke alarm override (What a clever motel this was), The Boss struck a match, lit the candles, ran to the camera and fired off the shutter, checked the display, ran to the candles and blew them out...and...Nothing happened. Silence reigned.
The shot was uploaded along with the words and we all had a nervous drink.
The Boss seemed to have trouble getting to sleep last night.
You know the rest.
PS. The Boss has tried his best on this very special occasion to thank everyone but if he has accidently missed anyone please please consider yourself heavily thanked.
PPS. That's not red wine in the glasses. This shot was at 9.00 am for goodness sake...OK?
Chief assistant reporter Tiny Tussock

No you can't have bigger glasses of Coke Zero

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