the blip with no name

By matt989

Hair today - Gone Tomorrow

I shaved my head tonight, this is usually a fortnightly occurrence but I think its been about 3 weeks now.

Today and the last week have been strange. Ive felt kinda down and lackin motivation to do anything productive outside work. I find that a glum semi-depression can creep up on me when im tired, I think its caught up with me this week.

So rather than wallowing in self pity ive decided to make a few changes to the way I do things and pulled my self pitying ass out of it!

The first thing ive decided on is using blip in a different way, usually I only post photos im satisfied with and I find appealling. I think im now going to put more empaisis on the diary side of blip than the photography and in a round about kinda way I hope my photography benefits by allowing me to be more spontanious and natural.

On a different note I have lost half a stone since Christmas and I am now 12st 7lbs, my aim is to lose at least another 1/2st this month.

If you've been patient enough to read this rather dull blip, well done......there may well be many more to come.

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