Cyclamen well in the passageway near the kitchen. I usually have a few there and put them out for a rest in summer. This year while we were away two died and the third looks a bit worse for wear so we have two new ones to replace them. They are cheaper than fresh flowers especially if they last for more than a year.

Two grandchildren left this morning as they were heading to the coast for a few days. The others have been pretty happy mooching around. We went for a walk but all agreed to stay indoors for the rest of the day as the weather is cold and windy.

My diet continues and I have lost 3kg which is pleasing. My jeans are not so tight. I am also spending ages each day playing the piano. The app I’m using is a bit addictive. I’m learning how to play chords, all new as I learnt the old classical way when I was little. After 50 odd years since I learnt I have lost many skills but surprise myself when I can play some bits with out thinking.

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