The Need To Ride.......

Today has been another active weather day.  The Tropical depression in the gulf has become a name storm, Barry with winds just under 75 mph.  The depression, itself doesn't seem to be a problem for us on the peninsula of Florida.  The storm is throwing off bands of rain with thunderstorms that keeps coming over us.
    This gentleman was sitting under the Oak trees by the mail center.  I stopped beside him, to pretend to look at my phone.  When the man wasn't looking at me, I sneaked in a photo of him with his bike.  He was dressed in a rain coat.  He had been out bike riding, in the rain, while it was thundering.  This guy must have been really antsy to risk riding a metal bike, in a thunder storm, in the lightning capital of the US !

This is my first attempt at street photography.  I felt really sneaky!!!!!

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