Resting on One’s Laurels

After breakfast (not long before ten o’clock) Mrs W and I ventured into the courtyard, and noticed a laurel bush with some magnificent flowers on it.
As they were umpteen times the size of any laurel flower that we had ever seen before we decided to investigate, and Mr Google was brought into action.
Sometime near eleven o’clock we discovered that our laurel bush was a magnolia!
Silly Ws.
In fairness to us the plant is commonly known as both the Magnolia Laurel, and the Laurel Magnolia.  I’m not too sure of the true name of this one.
Later we took loads of shots around the house with our proper cameras, but I was not happy with anything that I took except the shot of the west side which is at extras.
Many thanks to Admirer for hosting Silly Saturday.

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