
The only subject that was stuck in my head was the two of us - a couple together.  Not the easiest subject to capture because although as appropriate the subject is Mrs W does not like having her photo taken - and posing as a couple!? On top of that I spent the morning cutting more bows of the cherry tree, and this afternoon RECOVERING!
Then Fish and chips came to mind. Salt and pepper.  Assault and battery (perhaps not).  Gin and tonic.  Knife and fork.   Left and right - my cufflinks, they’re together anyway.  G&T nearly got it, but the cufflinks were easier.  The cufflinks may well reappear tomorrow, it’s delivery day and I’m always drained after cleaning and putting everything away.
Now to finish recovering (still k********) and enjoy dinner prepared by the boss.
Many thanks to 60plus for hosting MonoMonday this month.

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