Big Hill

By bighill

10 years ago today.....

I moved to Big Hill forever....and even altho it was late afternoon when we arrived i still consider this date as my official moving in date!   Motel Roma is blipped here in the morning, and then we drove home and started the unpacking the next day.

Coincidentally, Bronwyn (one of my twin daughters) got married today to Dave....they choose this date cos it was 9 years ago today that they had their first date!   We didn't clue into the fact that we share an anniversary until a few months ago when they were planning their 'elopement'.  They wanted their wedding to take place on the same date as their first date!!!  So today, out on the shores of the Pacific ocean, (on the west coast of Vancouver Island)  with Morgan (her twin sister) and Ace (Morgan's husband) as their witnesses, they exchanged vows!   I have been feeling a bit melancholy for the past couple of days, not being able to be at her wedding....however, we did all agreed and supported their decision to not have a big wedding, and that we would have a large family gathering in Ontario in 2 weeks time to celebrate.....i am completely in agreement with her choice....AND I am sad that i didn't get to be there to witness their a mother i am allowed!!!!  A week on Tuesday i head to Ontario to start a 2 week visit there.   We will have a big party on the 27th....and i'll get to visit with old looking forward to it.

This weekend has been one of those crammed in busy ones.....glazing, making glazes....loading the kiln and i'm pretty wiped to be sure!   But Terry and i decided to go out for dinner to celebrate our anniversary....Wongs was just fine!!! 

A collection of my paintings in various stages of completion sitting on the table by the window caught my eye as i was leaving the studio!

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