
By K9tam

Sailing club resting.

Busy day doing bits and bobs, various shops needed visiting, it's great when you can tick off a load of outstanding jobs.. But as I always do, I forgot to take the water filter for recycling.

Even had time to take the car in for a wash - Looking good!

Sat down this evening and realised I'd not taken a picture so nipped out to find one. It's a beautiful evening and so many people were out enjoying the warm weather, the countryside was bathed in a golden glow.. We all greeted each other with "Stunning, isn't it?". It took me about 2 minutes to bag this one. This is the reservoir at the back of us and there is a little sailing club, 'little' as the reservoir is only a little one! I'm sure this will be the first of many I'll take from here as it's always beautiful whatever time of the year I walk round it. I stayed out a while enjoying the evening.

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