At The Staff Exhibition Party, London

Every year at work we have a staff exhibition and it's a rare chance to show your work in a gallery on Bond Street right in the centre of London. I always try and put in a photograph or two every year and this time I put in three.
Tonight was the party for the exhibition and being one of the photographers at work I was, of course, asked the inevitable question "Could you bring along your camera and take some shots?" Unfortunately, I'd left my Nikon SLR at home and had to try and scramble a work camera and lens together (they are Canons which are set out a bit differently to Nikons (which I prefer)). The only problem was there was no card so off I had to pop to John Lewis to buy one. They only had a 32G one which cost me £50 - ouch!
I hadn't done gallery shots for a wee while so was a bit rusty at the start but I got back into the grove soon enough. Today's shot includes my works hanging on the wall. As I was walking around snapping away one of the Big Bosses came up to me and said how much he liked one of my photographs which was very nice of him.
A little later on there was a prize ceremony - the third prize went to a painting and the second to a sculpture. Then the same Big Boss announced that because he loved  photography so much a photograph had duly won first prize. At this point, I must admit, I got a bit excited (especially after our earlier conversation) - was I actually going to win something for the first time ever for one of my images? Err, no I bloody well didn't! I was slightly crestfallen for a minute or two, then laughed a bit at my own presumption and just got on taking a few more shots before having to leave to catch my train home.
I had a good postscript, though, as I sold two of my photographs (yahooo!!). I had a couple of glasses of wine to celebrate.

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