My Auntie Jean and Uncle Alan

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Off to see my Auntie Jean and Uncle Alan this morning.The taxi picked us up and we were there for about 9.30am.
Another sunny, warm day but quite cool at my Aunties as they had the sun shade out and the sun had not really reached the back yet.
Had a good chat and helped my Uncle with his jigsaw puzzle. He loves doing them and my Auntie is good at finding interesting ones to do from the charity shops in Sittingbourne.
They used to have an apple orchard behind their bungalow but it was cut down last year and they have now put in giant poles and wires so it will be interesting to see the new orchard develop.
Back to Mum and Dads and after lunch I went for a walk round the ‘sheep field ‘ ( the sheep used to be sold there when I was a child ) and into the woods where I used to make dens with my friends. Felt like I had stepped back in time , must be nearly 35 years since I’ve been home by myself , and really felt like I should have Badger our old dog with me !
Not much happening in the woods.The trees have been coppiced in the best and were growing well.In sunny patches peacocks and small tortoise shell were feeding on blackberry flowers.All the crops in the fields are ready to harvest especially the barley.
Paul came up for dinner again, cold meat and bubble and squeak.
Watched the partial eclipse , the half blood moon good views from my old bedroom window.
Lots of bats flying above the garden.Think the neighbours were wondering why someone was outside.

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