
By Houseonahill6

Half way home

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Another Sunny morning and it felt hotter today.A lazy start to the day and then I went for a walk in search of butterflies.Dad told me of an area near the woods I was in yesterday where I might find some.
I left at 10.30am trying to avoid most of the traffic.It’s a lot busier than when I lived here as the Science Park has grown a lot and still growing so lots of large vehicles charging around.
I found the grassy slope and it was covered in wildflowers busy with butterflies and common red soldier beetles.The ragwort was covered in cinnabar moth caterpillars of all sizes. They must spend a lot of time eating.plenty of red and black moths that fooled me into thinking they were Cinnabar it’s but then realised they were six spot burnet moth.Marbled whites ,skippers, ringlets and meadow browns also seen.
My Dad has been writing down his memories so we sat and he told me all about them.Some interesting stories that I did not know about so really interesting , including riding on the back of a motorbike holding the cup when Derek Minter won at Silverstone, possibly this race
Paul picked me up at 4 pm and I was on my way to Luton. A quick journey really and I managed to find the right platform and a train was waiting so I got straight on.A short walk to the hotel with about 5 minutes free till I met Sally outside the Beefeater next door. I have not seen her for over a year so lots to catch up on and we chatted so much that we were almost thrown out so went to the lounge in the hotel until she left at 11.30pm.A shame we can not see each other more often but we had a lovely time and a tasty meal as well.
Mike got back at just gone 12 after being to a concert in London.

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