Silly Saturday ....

.... Man walks on moon!!

With the high heat today I wish we had been able to walk on the moon!

50 years ago man walk on the moon and my husband bought this newspaper!  And he's had it ever since!

I have to admit to not remembering watching this momentous occasion .... I was only 5 years old.  I found out from my mom that we were actually camping at the time and watched everything on the TV in the rec hall at the campground. 

She also told me that we were camping there while my dad was taking classes with IBM. We soon were renting a house in the area. Me and my siblings attended a grade school where we had to walk across a park with a carousel.  Her words: "Sometimes you got sidetracked on the way home."   My response: "Hahahaha! I'm still easily sidetracked! :-)"

That's no lie!!

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