twinned with trumpton


A final day of boys; after a slow start, we figured it was dry enough to get the bikes out for a run into town to meet Her. (She had to collect my birthday present from the PO at Russell Rd)

We grabbed a coffee and a burger and chatted a while whilst we then headed off to Hollister (nothing in the sale for Tom), Tesco (for tacos) and finally home.

And then as the sun threatened to show itself, off to the boatie club to meet Pensioner for a bob about in the Firth of Froth.

Saved the inflatable transit to the boat, we set about readying the boat for action.

Life jackets donned, the boys were keen to head off out. Until we hit the open sea and the gusts were giving a fun edge to it all. (Alex was not happy at operating at 30 degrees!!)

A failed attempt to hit the light house, we swung about 180 degrees and settled on the more realstic prospect of landing in Newhaven harbour.

With the wind behind it was a nice run into harbour.

We tied up on the slip and cracked a beer (adults) and cake (kids, mostly - thanks SK for providing sugary fuel for the boys)

The sun popped out nicely as we enjoyed the heat before heading back to Granton.

Warps suitably cheesed, we bade our host adieu and off for tacos and Love Island (sadly Tom and Pensioner did not really get to compare notes much on Love Island...)

Highlights of the Tourmalet rounded off the day.

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