Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers

Beach Times.

This is James and Me at the beach, there wasn't much light so its not the best but I like it. Today is my last day here, which is upsetting, it's gonna be weird not being here!

The beach was fun, went with James and the fam, )they feel like my fam, which is mad) I will miss them all so much even though i'm sure i'll be back before I know it. Sigh.

So anyway, I figured, new year, new start, so I flounced off and walked along the waterside, thinking of old times and attempting to rid them from my memory, it worked, it was like throwing everything i had hated away into the sea, and let the waves consume the misery i once felt. I am very happy knowing that I have cleared my head and I am finally free again. It's good, i'm glad I left Molly, though she hates me now because I was annoyed at her obsessive ways towards me so when me and Jam were drunk we were horrendously mean to her. ahah, It was amusing because if you met her you'd hate her.

I am so happy, thank god for the new year and all it will bring. Please don't be as heartbreaking as last year 2013, or i'll not be best pleased.

Happy New year All.

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