Joe's world in picture

By joejoe80

The End

Day 366

The last day of this Leap Year! Thought I'd end with a view of me and my camera as thats what this blippin year has been all about! I can't believe I've made it taking a photo every single day of 2012! There have been days and weeks that have been difficult but doing this has made me really look around and find photographic opportunities and Inspired me to try new things. I hope my photography has improved along the way too!

Its been great to also make some new friends as we've completed this journey together....Jenny,Nicky,Karen,Laura,Gemma,Vicky. Maybe next year we'll make time to actually all meet in the flesh!

Its thanks to Penny, my Sis, for introducing me to the facebook group that then inspired me to take on this challenge. I can't imagine life without blipping now so heres to 2013 and attempt 2!

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