Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Scrappy Do


I was working late into the night on this portrait of my friend's dear dog Scrap, and am only now getting round to uploading it.

I have looked after Scrap for the last seven years while her owners have gone on holiday. Like many of my customers, both human and canine, I have come to regard them as my good friends. 

Scrap last came to stay in March and she was her usual joyful self so it came as a huge shock to learn, just a few weeks later, that she had an incurable tumour. At eight years old, her life was cut very short and understandably, her owners are devastated since she was put to sleep a few weeks ago.

Knowing that I (used to) paint in watercolours they have asked if I would do a portrait of her. I have made this photographic portrait from the most recent photo I had of her, taken during the snow we had back in March.
I'm hoping that they like it enough to hang on their wall. 
If they really want a watercolour, I will use this image to work from.

Edit. I have worked some more on this image mainly removing the snow from her coat. Ive put my final edit in as an extra. If you have any views as to which one you prefer I'd love to hear from you

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