Summer Emergency Shot

Could not think of anything 'nice' today, so why not another 'nice' bloom?  This is about to go so this shot should make a lasting memory of it.

AW's shoulder slowly getting better.
Everything is slowly getting better, my patience, too.  I hope.

In MNL, the Viking is now asking me to help look for an 'Administrator', or what we call in Dutch an 'Executeur Testamentaire'.  It should be an impartial someone who has 'nothing to gain', although from what I know of such 'positions' or 'functions', they are entitled to some kind of fee.  If so, it will be taken from the estate.  It should also be someone who is a resident there, which I am not, as well as someone who hasn't ever been charged with, let alone convicted of, fraud or larceny or theft or similar.  It can't be the Viking because he's working for me.

I have approached various university batchmates and I think I have a name now.  That said, it is simply amazing how some people who are already well-placed and come from the 'ruling 5000' families are all connected to each other either by blood or marriage.  One can say that it is convenient if you know such people, especially if one started out as one of the 'downtrodden 5000' ... but I do not see myself that way.  In the past, though, my own steps liked to look at me like that.  I am convinced somehow that my own parents had a lot more dignity and deserved more respect than they got.

Meanwhile, all the evidence on paper is slowly being completed, if I am to believe the Viking.  I wish I could see it all myself.  One day, perhaps, when all this is finished, I'll be gifted with my own set, wrapped in celebratory paper and complete with ribbon.

Update on AW -- almost forgot -- two doctor's visits today -- the physiotherapist and the GP.  Of course, I was the chauffeur.  He's making progress.  Pain has made him sceptical, though, and that is exactly what has to change, as well -- his state of mind.  He's doing his best but loads of room for improvement yet.

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