A meadow brown...

...but it wouldn't stay still enough for a better photo...

Far too hot. I melted. Cat slunk off to cool places.

I had one of those days of appointments all day from blood leaching by the vampire, to having half a pound of plasticine stuffed in my mouth by dentist and told to bite down until it set..

I had half hour wait for the dentist so I went into Iceland next door to breathe in the cold chiller cabinet...and I wasn't the only person doing this...it was a free for all...

Each time I came out of an icy air con shop, the warm air outside hit me like a brick wall, unbreathable...

I knew first thing before I even went out, that I wasn't going to last out the day. My asthma was bad enough...

So I soaked my underwear and t shirt in cold water. Put rest of clothes on top.

Went and did the Vampire lady. Came back home, and checked out cat, underwear had dried out. So wet it all again, put loose clothes on top, and went to my next thing.

Came back home again, checked cat was okay again, and soaked underwear and t shirt again, then out to next thing,...

And did this more throughout the day...

Normally I would have treated myself to lunch and stayed out. But my internal temperature was too high. But by a couple of showers and soaking my clothes each time I came home, I managed very well. I didn't flag at all.

My normal temperature is a bit low anyway...36C on the dot. This morning it was just above 37.5. I didn't feel so good.

All night the temperature in my bungalow bedroom was 29C. I had two upright cold fans on and wet towels. Even the flies were dropping like flies...

Popeye and I are on the thatched swing, and I am swinging us...it's 7:15 pm. The air is still stifling hot. This is the coolest place on my property. No chance of going to bed in my bedroom. Far too hot in there still. Both upright cold fans are on, with a wet towel in front.

So it's either the thatched swing or the potting shed for sleep tonight...

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