
By TMac

The Calm Below the Storm

Storm clouds brew over a calm River Forth today.

As a teenager, I was a bit obsessed by Vincent Van Gogh, playing truant (really!) to read his biography.
A line I remember, from a book of his letters, says "there is peace even in the storm". I often wondered what that actually meant.

As I have grown older, I realise now that it makes perfect sense.
Today, I have experienced some peace in the storm.

View from the train home from Edinburgh after eldest son asked me to go view a flat with him and prospective flat mates. It was a pit.
However, my memory is short and probably very selective, having not lived in student flats for almost 30 years. I don't have to live in it. The boys loved it.

They registered interest.

£250 holding fee and a pint of lager later (for the Unilad), they look like they have a flat for next year.

Happy kids = happy mum.
I won't be inviting myself over to stay though.

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