
......after much needed rain this seed head is no longer soft and fluffy but more bedraggled, smothered in tiny droplets.

Another full on gardening mostly weeding, cutting some plants back and racking of leaves. 

It was pleasant, not at all cold but like yesterday very damp. I was quietly working when I heard all this chirping, waxeye's had arrived along with some sparrows. They were all very excited as they flapped around in the bird bath and fluttered in and out of the trees. A couple of blackbirds arrived to join them, I heard a Grey Warbler high in the trees tops probably looking down at the chaos in my garden, it seems there was a party in 'flying's' garden only I was the last one to find out, I couldn't help but smile :)

Saturday.....a great day to be in the garden, 16C!

Happy Saturday everyone :)

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