Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Coming soon - film?

I'm thinking of starting a second blip, an irregular one of photos taken on film. I've run off one film in the last week (HP5 rated at 200), loaded it into the tank (difficult as I'm out of practice, and 120 is much more difficult to load), processed it (in Rodinal, NOT my usual developer) and scanned it (also with difficulty, as the scanning software/driver seems to be confused and frequently produces a horribly corrupted file). I've also half finished another film - I was about to rewind it when the counter reached 35 when I remembered it was half frame, so still a long way to go on that one!

I won't be shooting film every day, and as my manual record keeping leaves a lot to be desired I may sometimes be a day or two out with the date on the post by the time I come to load it!

The camera was my father's - he liked TLRs, though this was his last TLR, as he did use SLRs most of the time in his final years while he was still able to get out to take photographs..

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