POG's Journal


Maybe I should not have eaten the apple...

My Day:
Up reasonable early had my breakfast and out on the bike… Once home got cleaned up and did some work in the garden, which is in a bit of a state but now the Tour de France is over I’m fully engaged in getting it up to scratch before the Tour of Spain starts in August.
Spend quite a lot of time trying to work out what to do with the rest of my life. It’s fine drifting along but as I have said before I have to many responsibilities that get in the way of being truly flexible and being able to do what I want when I want. I’ve not come up with the answer yet but will let you know when I know.
Watched the end of the tour and am now making my daily blip deposit.
Day 18/92
Well the scales showed no further lose which was disappointing but not surprising as I missed two day on the bike, and I was not as good with the food as previous week. Big target for next week to budge some more weight and come up with a sustainable plan to dump a few stone (that excluded cutting a leg off – ha-ha).
So, to the ride with the fast boys, they are quite a mixed bag of gentlemen… They have never raced but ridden their bike together for several years. Most are quite wealthy and It’s a bit like thumbing through a cycling magazine looking at riders on the most expensive bike and cycle clothing then suddenly you’re riding along with them.
As expected, the speed got faster and fast and as the road climbed that I would normally ride up at about  13 to 14 mph we were doing 22… I was sitting on the back and just peddling a lowish gear around 90 rpm and as some of them started to struggle I was able to lift my pace a little come past them and jump on another wheel. I did this a couple of times until there was just one person in front of me and I was able to sit with them to the top of the climb… I was a little surprised how I coped, and my heart rate went to the highest its been during this experiment,
There was a signpost just after a left hand bend and I indicated an intention to sprint for but was told the don’t sprint until after 10 O’clock.
They were out for about 40 – 50 miles which is far to long for me, so I said goodbye after a while and headed back through the lanes to home and my ride was just over 20 miles.
I must admit I have not been enjoying the last 18 days training in the slightest but today was fun having a little pop on the hills, the mind is still quite capable, but the body does need a lot of work.
I could not think what to blip today, I thought about my garden but I was quite ashamed of how it looked so thought better of it, so you got a photo of a lot of dice…
More tomorrow

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