Joollie's Chicks

A warm day, but mostly overcast and mist on the hills.  The sun came out in the late afternoon, and early evening. 

Another day working on the museum desk.  It's been really busy, two cruise ships in Lerwick.  Had lunch with mam, sis Laura and Elise.  Been over to see Robyn and Woody this evening, popped by Julie when walking Sammy, and then off to work in the pub later.  They caught the murderers, and charging a 31yo man, and 27yo woman (who I know).  Hope they lock them up for good!  The poor lady in yesterday's explosion sadly passed away.

While along Julie's, I had to meet her baby chicks.  Five playful chicks are hard to photograph!  They we excited to be out in the pen, but also had Sammy woofing, and Keba charging about.  Super cute, and can't wait to watch them grow.  Taken at Julie's, Meadowfield Crescent, Scalloway.  

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