Absentee Golfers

The holiday spirit still lingers in Edinburgh today, as it did 33 years ago when the youngest daughter decided to make her late entry in a now late hospital, not a hundred yards from the Dower House, and cause me a bit of bother with a lot of staff still on leave and absent for the ensuing drama.
Now that she lives in England, it is a working day like any other, which she prefers.

Yesterday it was Gullane where we chose to blow the cobwebs away , today it was Arthur's Seat.
Had it not been for the other people of a similar persuasion, we could have been miles away in the middle of remote countryside, and indeed there were times when it was just his Lordship and I, with the mighty hill and Dunsappie Loch as a backdrop.

With a bewildering number of blips to choose from, I've picked Prestonfield Golf Course, where all through the course 'nothing was stirring, not even a mouse'!

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