Everything Will Change

Day 1  Viewpoint 

I have decided I needed some direction with my photography.  I found in my emails one from Emma Davies of A Year With My Camera.  I did follow her online course a few years ago.  For August she is running 30 days of composition and she has listed 30 prompts for composing images.  The first one is Viewpoint.  My viewpoint is in line but that green grass in the foreground was growing on a pile of soil.  I was looking west towards the Kahurangi National Park  and there was a good cover of snow on the tops.  The afternoon sun means you can't see it very well but I could.  I parked in a new subdivision which had lots of tradesman activity happening.  I'm not sure but I may be looking at another block of agricultural land being prepared for more houses.  I don't know where all the people come from who will buy these houses.  
Last night we got the call to say our friend had died.  It was peaceful but still very final.  We will carry his memory for as long as our lifespan is.  None of us get out of here alive.

Everything Must Change    Nina Simone  

everything must change
nothing stays the same
everyone will change
no one, no one stays the same

the young become the old
and mysteries do unfold
for that's the way of time
no one, and nothing goes unchanged

there are not many things in life one can be sure of
except rain comes from the clouds
sun lights up the sky
hummingbirds fly

winter turns to spring
a wounded heart will heal
oh but never much too soon
no one, and nothing goes unchanged

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