
I'm not really into making resolutions as such. I prefer to think of the start of a new year as a time to make a fresh start with things, to make decisions about things. So, armed with my general philosophical outlook, H and I made the most of my last day off and cleared out all his old toys. This is no mean feat for me, being someone who gets ridiculously attached to things and can pretty much find a sentimental reason to keep a plastic fork. And we've made the big decision to decorate the smallest spare room and turn it into a proper office, rather than keep it for other reasons, that may or may not come to being.

This has of course left me feeling horribly depressed and emotional, especially looking at some of his baby things. So I would appreciate it if someone could give me a swift cyber kick up the bottom.

In other news, my main discovery of the day has been that swirling the boiling water around in the pan before adding the eggs when you're poaching them does, in fact, ruin the eggs. Thanks for nothing Michel Roux Jr.

Don't say I never teach my fellow blippers anything...

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