
By NickyH


Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone for the response to my 365th blip from yesterday! I'm completely and utterly overwhelmed and you have no idea how excited I was about hitting the spotlight! It was my first time, and how fitting for it to happen on that day! So thank you, you lovely, wonderful people!

So, another year has bitten the dust and a new one has begun. I have decided to carry on the blipping as it's too deeply under my skin to even contemplate stopping. We had a pretty fantastic evening last night with our friends - the children were brilliant, and the night got sillier and sillier (in a good way!). There was a LOT of champagne, a LOT of quaffing, a lot of dancing, a lot of laughter, some lanterns (although one just set on fire and ended up being dumped in the barbecue), and just general wonderful, happy times!

Obviously we stayed up too late, drank too much, and started off the new year with the traditional hangover (I know, I know, that's twice in the last few days, but it is Christmas...!). A bacon sandwich and a cup of tea soon solved that though. The weather was pretty horrendous, so we didn't get out and about to enjoy all the beautiful Yorkshire scenery, but it gave us the perfect excuse to be lazy and stay indoors.

I've taken back control of the house since we got back, all the decorations are gone, the new toys are tidied away.... and everything looks well and truly bare. The post Christmas blues have most definitely set in and I'm feeling pretty depressed :(

Time to concentrate on H's birthday party next week and plan lots of things to look forward to over the coming year.

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